Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal ISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Issue 21.2 of the ISIP Journal presents five articles with varied topics, namely one on visual communication, one on public policy, one on social welfare and two on international relations. The article on the visual communication is the result of research that describes the theme of fantasy of youth groups in post-conflict areas through photography. A novelty in methodology, the fantasy theme which is usually researched in the process of direct personal communication or narrative text, is exchanged. This article analyzes it through the visual text with the method of Photo Elicitation Interviews (PEI) and Fantasy Theme Analysis (FTA). The article on public policy discusses the discretion in the process of drafting public policy, in addition to analyzing the flow of the policy-making process, it also analyzes the meaning transactions from a cultural study perspective. The result of the study reveals the existence of a tug of power and the occurrence of hegemonic practices. The article on social welfare presents an evaluative analysis of the role of social assistants in empowering people in the social forestry. Communities that are licensed to manage social forests can successfully improve their quality of life through a mentoring process with the authentic partnerships, namely collaborative partnerships with a foundation of mutual respect, synergistic relationships, and a focus on processes, not just on the results. Two international relations articles, one is the result of a case study analyzing the role of non-state actors in rescuing victims of human trafficking and cyber crime. The non-state actor, Serikat Buruh Migram Indonesia (SBMI), has acted as a Transnational Advocacy Network (TAN) actor using simultaneously the strategies of information politics, symbolic politics, leverage politics, and accountability politics. In practice,the non-state actor cannot fight alone, but has the support of other non-state and state actors. The second article is a literature review article that examines the assumption that the ASEAN community is an imagined community. The result of the study shows that most citizens of ASEAN member countries, especially young people, have not yet had a sense of attachment to the ASEAN community, the cognition of we feeling towards ASEAN has not been built, so that people still assume the argument of imagined community embedded in ASEAN
The findings of the research and literature review are one node of the scientific knowledge network that needs to be interacted with other nodes to construct knowledge that can be recognized by the scientific community and has strong legitimacy. Therefore, we invite you to discuss it through scientific articles in this Journal. We would like to thank the authors, who have contributed to the knowledge nodes in JISIP.
Issue 21.2 of the ISIP Journal presents five articles with varied topics, namely one on visual communication, one on public policy, one on social welfare and two on international relations. The article on the visual communication is the result of research that describes the theme of fantasy of youth groups in post-conflict areas through photography. A novelty in methodology, the fantasy theme which is usually researched in the process of direct personal communication or narrative text, is exchanged. This article analyzes it through the visual text with the method of Photo Elicitation Interviews (PEI) and Fantasy Theme Analysis (FTA). The article on public policy discusses the discretion in the process of drafting public policy, in addition to analyzing the flow of the policy-making process, it also analyzes the meaning transactions from a cultural study perspective. The result of the study reveals the existence of a tug of power and the occurrence of hegemonic practices. The article on social welfare presents an evaluative analysis of the role of social assistants in empowering people in the social forestry. Communities that are licensed to manage social forests can successfully improve their quality of life through a mentoring process with the authentic partnerships, namely collaborative partnerships with a foundation of mutual respect, synergistic relationships, and a focus on processes, not just on the results. Two international relations articles, one is the result of a case study analyzing the role of non-state actors in rescuing victims of human trafficking and cyber crime. The non-state actor, Serikat Buruh Migram Indonesia (SBMI), has acted as a Transnational Advocacy Network (TAN) actor using simultaneously the strategies of information politics, symbolic politics, leverage politics, and accountability politics. In practice,the non-state actor cannot fight alone, but has the support of other non-state and state actors. The second article is a literature review article that examines the assumption that the ASEAN community is an imagined community. The result of the study shows that most citizens of ASEAN member countries, especially young people, have not yet had a sense of attachment to the ASEAN community, the cognition of we feeling towards ASEAN has not been built, so that people still assume the argument of imagined community embedded in ASEAN
The findings of the research and literature review are one node of the scientific knowledge network that needs to be interacted with other nodes to construct knowledge that can be recognized by the scientific community and has strong legitimacy. Therefore, we invite you to discuss it through scientific articles in this Journal. We would like to thank the authors, who have contributed to the knowledge nodes in JISIP.