About the Journal

Dr. Ir. Ilham P. Hutasuhut
Rektor Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (IISIP), Jakarta

Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Jakarta (The Jakarta Institute of Social and Political Sciences tries to make continuous improvements in the e-journal management and provide to public our prestigious Journal ISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, e-ISSN 2655-1985 & p-ISSN 1693-9506 both in the quantity and quality.

The full online version of the journal starting in 2019, is a continuation of the print version of the journal which began being published in 1996, whose archives have only been uploaded till 2017. The online version of the journal is published twice a year in June and December which includes the original research on social and political sciences using an interdisciplinary perspective. This journal has been accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (SK No: 230/E/KPT/2022, -- Sinta 4).

This is an open-access journal that publishes research articles and literature reviews in the fields of advanced understanding, knowledge sharing, new discovery generation, and collaborations in Communication, Politics, International Relations, Social Welfare, and Business Administration. Under the auspices of the Jakarta Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP Jakarta), we provide a journal house (jurnaliisipjakarta.id) as a forum for journals that are planned to be published to accommodate existing knowledge in order to increase the quantity and quality of publishing research results and literature studies. The Jakarta Institute of Social and Political Sciences is committed to continuing to improve the management and publishing of e-journals in quantity and quality and to encourage researchers, lecturers, and students to be more productive in producing scientific research and thinking so as to generate innovation for the advancement of science.

We hope this journal will become a forum for the development of knowledge not only for the internal environment but also for the external ones of those who wish to contribute to this journal.