Journal History
The scientific journal of The Jakarta Institute of Social and Political Sciences was first published in the print form in April 1996 with the name of Jurnal Kampus Tercinta issued 4 times in a year. Its second publication (August 1996) got the International Standard Serial Number ISSN 0853-8794. Jurnal Kampus Tercinta had been issued till the third year in 1999 before it changed its name into Jurnal ISIP in 2004 in the print form and the ISSN 1693-9506, issued twice a year with the paper size of A5, its layout of two columns. Its paper size has changed into A4 since the publication of the 10th volume number 1 January till June 2010. Then JURNAL ISIP was transformed into the online journal with the name JURNAL ISIP: Institut Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik and its e-SSN 2655-1985. After that, the committee of JURNAL ISIP tried to propose accreditation, and then it has been accredited by Sinta 5 November, 11. 2019. The first online journal was Volume 16 Number 1 2019, with two columns of PDF document. The files of the print form of JURNAL ISIP, which had been uploaded in the online journal were v Vol 14 (1,2) 2017, Vol 15 (1,2), 2018, Vol 16(1,2), 2019.
The process of publication of the journal has followed the OJS mechanism 2.0 version since its volume 17,1 2020. In 2021, the Committee proposed the reaccreditation of Jurnal ISIP and it upgraded from Sinta 5 to Sinta 4, and in December. 2022. After the publication of volume 19.2 2022 and before the one of Volume 20.1 JURNAL ISIP: Institut Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik, has got trouble, that it cannot access documents and experience the web error. The committee has tried to improve but found the hindrance of the OJS 2 application. They have migrated to OJS 3. The result is the late publication of volume 20.1 (January-June 2023). It can be published in August 2023. The publication of volume 20.1 changed in its design and one column format, but it does not completely follow the OJS mechanism due to the problem of the web error, in which they changed the Host Server, and made the new journal web. Despite all those problems, the committee commit adopting the normal selection process of writing the scientific article, including the review process, editing (done by the editor, copy editor, copy author, layout editor, proofreader), the communication with the authors is done via the email and WA. Finally, the Journal Volume 20.1 (Januari-Juni 2023) and the previous ones will be uploaded in Agustus 2023 step by step. It will completely use the process of OJS 3 in the publication of Journal volume 20.2 periode June—December,with the change of one column and the digital standard design.